Flax Seed Belgian Waffles (v)

Is it really Friday again? Not that I’m complaining. Not at all. I just feel like last weekend JUST happened – and a crazy weekend it was.

We had both our parents and my sister in town. The main occasion for the girls was wedding dress shopping, which I am happy to report was successful! [[More on that later.]] The guys did a lot of motorcycle riding, shooting shotguns, and working on my dad’s Not-run (or Norton, as it’s traditionally called). We also did a lot of eating, part of which consisted of these waffles.

AJ and I have always been waffle people. Some of the first ones I ever made were sourdough waffles from a King Arthur Flour recipe, and we fell in love. Unfortunately my sourdough starter has fallen by the wayside lately, so I’ve had to come up with other recipes to satisfy us. That’s okay, because these are much easier, don’t require a starter, and only take 10 minutes to throw together!

My mother recently gave us a Belgian waffle maker – one of the flippy kinds. I was pretty nervous to try it, I must admit. We had always had the thinner waffles and I was a bit worried that the batter wouldn’t rise up to fill the upper nooks & crannies.. But it worked! [[That’s what the whole flippy feature is for, right?]]

These waffles have really good flavor. The first time we made them I think I ate my fill of waffles just by nibbling at the cooked ones before we even sat down to eat –> read: you don’t really need much syrup to make them tasty. But! When you do top them with a bit of butter, drown them in syrup, and sprinkle with powdered sugar, they become downright irresistible.

With our calculations, one batch makes about 5 waffles and feeds 3 people. If you don’t eat as much as we do, then you could get away with feeding one batch to 4 people. Or just make two batches, throw the extras in the freezer, and have tasty waffles ready for the next week! This is what I usually do… there can never be too many waffles around here. Ever.

Flax Seed Belgian Waffles

Prep time:  
Cook time:  
Total time:  
Serves: 5 waffles
An easy vegan waffle recipe full of healthy and tasty flax seeds and whole grains! So good right off the iron, and even better topped with maple syrup and powdered sugar!


  • ¾ cup all-purpose flour
  • ¾ cup whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 3 Tbsp white granulated sugar
  • 5 Tbsp melted butter
  • 2 Tbsp ground flax seed
  • 5 Tbsp water
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1½ cups almond milk
  • 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar


  1. Preheat your waffle iron.
  2. Combine the flax seed and water in a small bowl, set aside.
  3. Combine the almond milk and apple cider vinegar in a measuring cup, set aside.
  4. Add the flours, baking powder, salt, & sugar to a medium bowl and mix well.
  5. Melt the butter in another medium bowl. Slowly add the almond milk mixture to the butter, whisking vigorously while pouring it in. Add the flax mixture and the vanilla and mix well. Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix well, until few lumps remain (but don’t go too crazy).
  6. Cook the waffles according to your waffle maker’s instructions.*
  7. Eat right away, or let cool on a wire rack and freeze in a zip-top bag for future enjoyment!


My waffle maker uses a heaping ½ cup of batter per waffle. I try to spread the batter all over the iron to get the best shape waffles.

My iron will also say that the waffles are done well before they are actually ready… these take about 4 mins 30 seconds each with my iron medium-high. I suggest figuring out how long your iron takes and set a timer so you know when to check it.