The Ultimate Vegan Brownies (v)

So let’s talk about chocolate. Specifically, brownies, because these babies are my favorite. For the entirety of my living-at-home life (you know, the one before I went off to college), brownies came out of a box, were made by Girradhelli, and were the dessert of choice in our house, if dessert were […]

Vegan Cauliflower Buffalo Wings

Okay now it’s the 4th of July. Happy Independence Day! If you’ve completely forgotten about the fact that today is the 4th, and that there are BBQ’s to go to, friends to see, and fireworks to watch, then here’s a friendly reminder. If you’ve completely forgotten about the fact that said BBQ […]

Caramel Apple Cider (v, gf)

Apple season is coming into full swing here on the central coast, despite the temperatures still peaking in the high seventies every day. There is nothing quite like buying fresh, local apples when they are in season. There are honestly no supermarket apples that can compare. If you have a […]

Vegetarian Slow Cooker Baked Beans

So you’re invited to a 4th of July BBQ next weekend, and they want you to bring a side. And of course the first thing your mind jumps to is BEANS!! Okay maybe not. Maybe that’s just me because I realize that not everyone has quite the obsession with beans […]

Vegan Banana Bread

How many times I’ve made this vegan banana bread I cannot tell you. How many times I’ve made this vegan banana bread specifically to put on this blog,  and then didn’t, I cannot tell you either. 5? 10? It inevitably gets cut into and eaten by the resident Banana Bread Monster before […]

Pear & Honey Phyllo Tarts

So, these here tarts were definitely an oops. Here’s how it happened: AJ’s mom recently made these delicious plum tarts that were super simple and required just 4 ingredients: puff pastry, plums, honey, and sugar. First she sent me a picture of one, and then served them again when we […]

Vegan Snickerdoodles

You guys, I’m trying to make you fat. Yup, you read that right: F.A.T. But don’t worry, I’m going down with you and we’re all going to be stoked about it. Even when my wedding dress comes in later this month and I don’t fit in it. STOKED. So yeah, […]

Fluffy Whole Grain Pancake Mix (v)

Behold! If for some strange reason on this Saturday morning you happened to go on the internet (or the interwebs, as AJ archaically refers to it) in search of the perfect weekend breakfast, your wishes have been granted! Why the heck I’m here on a Saturday morning is another story, but here I […]

The Creamiest Vegan Mashed Potatoes

TGIS!!!! I know that’s totally not a thing. But really, I’m usually more thankful for Saturday than I am for Friday. Although last night I did get to drink my favorite hard cider from See Canyon Hard Cider Co. Having a beer / hard cider is seriously the thing I look […]