Flax Seed Belgian Waffles (v)

Is it really Friday again? Not that I’m complaining. Not at all. I just feel like last weekend JUST happened – and a crazy weekend it was. We had both our parents and my sister in town. The main occasion for the girls was wedding dress shopping, which I am happy to […]

Potato & Zucchini Frittata (gf)

Weekends are the best. Every weekday morning AJ and I wake up at 5 am, roll out of bed, and take the dog for a walk before the sun comes up. It helps her get some yayas out before we leave her home all alone for the day. But on […]

Vegan Pecan Pie Pancakes

Is Thanksgiving really over? Tell me no. Tell me I have more time before I have to rush and buy all my Christmas presents last minute. Tell me I’m not already late in putting up our Christmas lights and getting a tree and putting up all sorts of delicate sparkly […]

Vegan Banana Bread

How many times I’ve made this vegan banana bread I cannot tell you. How many times I’ve made this vegan banana bread specifically to put on this blog,  and then didn’t, I cannot tell you either. 5? 10? It inevitably gets cut into and eaten by the resident Banana Bread Monster before […]

Fluffy Whole Grain Pancake Mix (v)

Behold! If for some strange reason on this Saturday morning you happened to go on the internet (or the interwebs, as AJ archaically refers to it) in search of the perfect weekend breakfast, your wishes have been granted! Why the heck I’m here on a Saturday morning is another story, but here I […]

Apple Maple Walnut Cake (v)

So, I did not intend to make this a cake. It started as Apple Maple Walnut Bread, but somehow the whole bread bit got lost along the way and it turned into a cake. A soft, buttery, utterly delicious cake. And you know, I like cake and I’m going to damn well eat […]

Apple Cinnamon Pancakes

Happy Monday! Or not. Either way, the weekend is gone and all that’s left to remind me are these pancakes. I’m okay with that. With fall now here, all I can think of is APPLES. We go every weekend to buy fresh, local apples. I eat them until my stomach […]